The Ultimate Guide to Romance Subgenres from Steamy Affairs to Timeless Love
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The Ultimate Guide to Romance Subgenres from Steamy Affairs to Timeless Love

The Ultimate Guide to Romance Subgenres from Steamy Affairs to Timeless Love

The Writer's Guide to Romance Subgenres

Writing romance is a thrilling endeavor that allows you to explore the boundless facets of human connection and emotion. 

But none of us writers are the same, and readers' tastes in the love department vary wildly. 

That is why the genre is divided into subgenres, so you can figure out where your tale of love, sex, and romance fits in the grand scheme and where your readers reside. Because without them, your story is not really finished. 

In today's exploration of the romance literary landscape, we will dive into ten more pervasive subgenres that have captured the hearts and minds of readers worldwide. 

Whether through the portrayal of modern-day relationships in Contemporary Romance or the bygone eras of Historical Romance, each subgenre presents us with a unique area of relationship against distinct backdrops. 

There is a niche calling your name, and I want to help you find it. 

Use this article to familiarize yourself with the nuances of each subgenre and help you find the perfect match for your narrative voice. 

However, keep in mind that within these subgenres lie endless possibilities for crafting a love story that will stand out and resonate with readers.

Don't think of the information here as rules or even guidelines. It is a general description of what readers expect to find in the genre, but plenty of room exists to subvert those expectations. 


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The Ultimate Guide to Romance Subgenres - Key elements of romance

Key Elements of a Romance

In romance, we find stories where emotions run high and hearts beat faster. 

While it's true that there are many niches within it, romance novels of any kind share certain key elements that form the genre's foundations. 

Whether you are weaving tales of contemporary passion, historical courtship, or fantastical love affairs, incorporating these essential elements will help you craft a romance novel that resonates with readers across subgenres. 

Characteristics of a Romance Novel:

  • Compelling Characters - At the heart of every great romance is a cast of characters who leap off the page with appeal and personality, capturing the reader's imagination. Develop protagonists with depth and complexity, complete with strengths, flaws, and relatable struggles. The chemistry and tension between your lead characters should be palpable, creating a connection that readers can't help but invest in. 

  • Emotional Arc - A successful romance novel takes readers through all the emotional highs and lows of falling in love. Build a narrative arc that allows for the exploration of a wide range of emotions—from the initial attraction to the depths of heartbreak and, ultimately, the triumphant resolution. Ensure the emotional journey is authentic and resonant, keeping readers emotionally engaged. 

  • Conflict and Tension - The course of true love never did run smooth, and neither should your romance plot. Introduce obstacles and conflicts that test the strength of your characters' love. Whether it's external challenges, internal struggles, or a combination of both, conflict is the crucible in which the authenticity of romance is forged. 

  • Sensuality - Depending on the subgenre you have chosen, the level of sensuality in your romance will vary, but by the gods, it better be there in some form! Like the subtle allure of a stolen glance in sweet romances to the steamy passion of erotic novels, you must create an atmosphere that aligns with the sensual expectations of your target audience. Balancing sensuality with emotional intimacy is critical to crafting a memorable romance. 

  • Setting and Atmosphere - the backdrop against which your love story unfolds is vital to setting the mood. It might be a bustling urban landscape, the opulence of a historical high society, or even the magical realms of fantasy. Whatever you choose needs to be immersive and well-developed with the purpose of enhancing the romantic experience. The setting should complement the plot and contribute to the story's overall atmosphere. 

  • Resolution and Closure - Every romance novel must offer readers a satisfying resolution. It doesn't have to be a happily-ever-after—perhaps your story ends on a more bittersweet note. Either way, it will tie up loose ends and provide closure to the relationship and for the characters involved. A well-crafted ending leaves a lasting impression and ensures readers close the book with fulfillment.

Consider these essential key elements as the building blocks of your romance. 

By infusing your story with compelling characters, emotional depth, sensuality, and all the other things on that list, you'll be able to create a romance novel that leaves a lasting impression on readers, no matter what niche you find them in. 

But now, let's get to the nitty-gritty of those niches and decide where your novel might fit. 

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The Ultimate Guide to Romance Subgenres - the subgenres of romance heading

The Romance Subgenres

Contemporary Romance

Contemporary romance includes stories of modern-day love and connection. 

The genre mirrors problems relatable to lovers in our present times and explores the complexities of finding "the one" in our current societies. The relatability of characters and situations in this subgenre makes it one of the most popular choices for readers and writers alike. 

Contemporary Romance thrives on authenticity, portraying the challenges and joys of relationships that readers can readily identify within their own lives.

This subgenre often tackles current social issues, providing a lens through which authors explore the impact of contemporary challenges on romantic relationships. Protagonists in Contemporary Romance are often relatable, with careers, ambitions, and lifestyles that resonate with a modern audience.

Examples of Contemporary Romance include: 

Historical Romance

Historical Romance spans a range of periods, from the Regency era to medieval times, allowing authors to immerse readers in the unique customs, fashion, and social norms of different historical settings.

These novels often feature epic and passionate love stories, with characters overcoming societal constraints and historical events to find their happily ever after.

Authors in this subgenre should meticulously research historical details to provide readers with an immersive experience that goes beyond the romance, delving into the intricacies of the chosen time period.

Historical Romance frequently explores the nuances of class distinctions, societal expectations, and the challenges characters face navigating love in a world bound by tradition.

Examples of Historical Romance include:

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Paranormal Romance

In Paranormal Romance, love takes on extraordinary dimensions, entwined with the supernatural, the magical, and the fantastical. 

At the core of Paranormal Romance is the inclusion of supernatural beings, magic, or fantastical elements that shape the world in which the love story unfolds.

These novels often explore the challenges of love across boundaries, whether between different species, dimensions, or the mortal and supernatural realms. Paranormal Romance is known for its intense romantic tension and passion, often heightened by the allure of supernatural abilities or the danger associated with otherworldly relationships.

Examples of Paranormal Romance include:

Romantic Suspense

This gripping subgenre seamlessly weaves elements of romance with suspenseful intrigue, keeping readers on the edge as they navigate the twists and turns of love in the shadowy realms of danger. 

Romantic Suspense is a genre that marries the allure of passion with the adrenaline rush of a well-crafted mystery, creating emotionally charged and suspenseful narratives.

These novels typically feature dual narratives, balancing the development of the romantic relationship with the suspenseful elements of the plot. The protagonists often find themselves entangled in a web of danger or intrigue.

Readers can expect action-packed sequences, thrilling pursuits, and moments of intense danger that keep them eagerly turning the pages.

Examples of Romantic Suspense include:

Erotic Romance

Ooh, the good stuff. 

Erotic Romance is a candid exploration of physical intimacy, with explicit scenes woven seamlessly into the narrative to enhance the emotional connection between characters.

The development of characters' desires, fantasies, and emotional connections takes precedence, creating a narrative where the exploration of sensuality is intertwined with the characters' personal growth.

While the genre is known for its steamy scenes, successful Erotic Romance also delves into the emotional depth of characters, exploring their vulnerabilities, insecurities, and the complexities of their relationships.

Examples of Erotic Romance include: 

Chick Lit/Romantic Comedy

This subgenre, often characterized by its light-hearted tone and humorous narratives, appeals to readers seeking a delightful escape into the world of romantic misadventures and comedic escapades.

Chick Lit/Romantic Comedy often features endearing and relatable characters with unique quirks and idiosyncrasies, adding charm and humor to the narrative.

Alongside romantic plotlines, these novels often explore the importance of friendships and the support networks that play a crucial role in the characters' lives.

Examples of Chick Lit/Romantic Comedy include:


Fantasy Romance

Fantasy Romance often unfolds in fantastical worlds, featuring magical landscapes, mythical creatures, and otherworldly realms that add a layer of wonder to the romantic narrative.

The love story is often intertwined with epic quests or challenges, where characters must overcome magical obstacles and face extraordinary adventures to find or preserve their love.

Whether it's elves, dragons, witches, or other supernatural beings, Fantasy Romance incorporates elements of magic and the fantastical that influence the characters' relationships and the world they inhabit.

Examples of Fantasy Romance include: 

Second Chance Romance

Central to Second Chance Romance explores characters with a shared history, whether a past romance, a broken engagement, or a relationship that ended on onerous terms.

The protagonists often undergo significant personal growth and transformation, allowing for a deeper exploration of the reasons behind the initial breakup and the potential for redemption.

Second Chance Romance showcases the enduring chemistry and connection between characters, illustrating how love can reignite even after years of separation.

Characters confront past mistakes, misunderstandings, or miscommunications, providing an opportunity for resolution and healing in a renewed relationship.

Examples of Second Chance Romance include: 

Sports Romance

Sports Romance is often set in the high-energy world of sports, featuring athletes as protagonists who navigate the pressures of competition, training, and the demands of their chosen sport.

Whether it's team sports or individual pursuits, the dynamics of teamwork and camaraderie play a significant role in Sports Romance, showcasing the relationships formed within the sporting community.

Protagonists in Sports Romance often undergo personal growth, facing challenges on and off the field that contribute to their development as individuals and partners.

Examples of Sports Romance include: 

Time Travel Romance

Lastly, Time Travel Romance unfolds in various temporal settings, ranging from historical periods and pivotal moments to the distant future or parallel universes.

In these stories, love defies the boundaries of time and space. 

Characters in Time Travel Romance often face unique challenges related to time travel, such as the consequences of altering the past, adjusting to different time periods, or navigating the complexities of relationships that span across centuries.

The genre often features epic and sweeping love stories that stand the test of time, with characters overcoming temporal obstacles and forging connections that endure across the ages.

Examples of Time Travel Romance include: 

Final Words

Love comes in many forms; that's as true for fiction as it is for life. 

The romance genre is as vast and varied as the spectrum of human emotions.  

Choosing the right subgenre for your romance novel is akin to selecting the perfect palette for a painting—each hue contributes to the masterpiece in its own unique way. And you'll know you found the right one when it resonates with the themes that ignite your creative passion. 

Remember, the heart of any great romance lies in its ability to connect with readers emotionally, weaving a tale that evokes laughter, tears, and a resounding cheer for love's triumph.

So, go forth and search for your romance tribe—the perfect fit for your unique brand of story. And until then, just keep writing. 

Are you making any of these deadly romance writing mistakes? 

Over the last decade and more, I have encountered a lot of romance writing that didn't quite hit the mark. 

What's more, the reasons for a swing and miss all boil down to the same few mistakes writers repeatedly make. 

Find out the most common pitfalls in romance writing and how you can avoid making the same mistakes here. 

About the Author: Tessa Barron, Editor-in-Chief @ Bear Hill Books

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