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The Late Bloomer: Is it Ever Too Late to Succeed as a Novelist?

Updated: Jul 30, 2023

The Late Bloomer: Is it Ever Too Late to Succeed as a Novelist? on The Writer's Cabin

Have you always dreamed of writing a novel but feel that it's a bit too late in the game to start? Don't let age or the fear of failure stop you from pursuing your passion for writing.

You may be sitting there right now with a great story idea but think it's too late for those kinds of things. Maybe you could have been a great author....if it was just 20 years ago.

Maybe your kids are just leaving the house (finally), or perhaps you have just retired. Is it too late to become a writer?

No! It's never too late to write a novel or become successful. Success as a novelist can happen at any age or stage in life. Numerous authors have achieved success later in life or after multiple failed attempts. The key lies in dedication, honing your craft, and persevering through the challenges. With passion, hard work, and a great story, anyone can pursue their dream of writing a novel and potentially succeed in the literary world.

Is it ever too late to succeed as a writer? Famous late bloomers

Is it Ever Too Late to Succeed as a Novelist?

Success Stories of Late Bloomers

Many writers did not achieve success until later in life.

Take, for example, Laura Ingalls Wilder, who did not publish her first book, Little House in the Big Woods, until she was 65. And let's not forget J.K. Rowling, who was nearly destitute and struggling as a single mother before striking gold with the Harry Potter series at 32.

Ok, 32 isn't very old. But she didn't exactly have an obstacle-free road ahead of her. The thing is, she persevered anyway, no matter what anyone thinks. (Something she is still doing, even if it lands her in hot water!)

Let's take a look at some more examples.

Frank McCourt: McCourt's memoir Angela's Ashes, for which he won the Pulitzer Prize, was published when he was 66.

Mary Wesley: Known for her bestselling novels, Wesley published her first book, Jumping the Queue, at the age of 71.

Bram Stoker: Although Stoker had written before, he gained immense success with his iconic novel Dracula when he was 50.

Harriet Doerr: Doerr's debut novel Stones for Ibarra was published when she was 74 and won the National Book Award.

And our own F. Nelson Smith published her first novel, No Straight Thing, well into her 80's. She is still writing now at 90 years old, and her newest novel Jack Tuesday has been on Ingram's top-selling mystery list since its release.

Jack Tuesday by F. Nelson Smith Buy Now

Patience and Persistence

Is it ever too late to succeed as a novelist? No.

But yes, it will take time to become an accomplished writer. Now, how much time is up to you.

Writing is a craft that requires patience, discipline, and practice. You may need to write several novels before one gets published or gains popularity.

The key is to keep at it and never give up.

The thing about fiction is that it doesn't matter one bit how old you are; success is not guaranteed for anyone. Almost everyone wants to write a novel. Many of them have at least started, and a lot of them managed to maybe finish one, but only a select few find success with their books.

That's just a fact of the industry. It's a fact of any creative endeavour.

Writing is a craft that requires patience, discipline, and relentless practice. And as long as you are still breathing, you can still do that.

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The Age Factor

Age should not be a limiting factor when it comes to writing. Whether you are 20 or 70, if you have a story to tell, write it down!

Your age brings unique experiences and perspectives that can add depth and richness to your writing. The wisdom and insights gained over the years become valuable tools in crafting great plots and relatable characters. The world is hungry for something different and stories that reflect the multifaceted nature of human existence. So, embrace your age as a gift and use it to infuse your writing with authenticity and depth.

Whether you're a young writer just starting out or someone who has been nurturing their literary dreams for decades, the journey of a novelist is not defined by age but by passion, dedication, and commitment to the craft.

So, silence the doubts, shed the limitations, and let your words flow freely onto the page. There is no expiration date on your story!

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Overcoming the Fear of Failure

One of the biggest reasons aspiring writers do not pursue their dreams is that they fear failure. They worry about rejection letters or negative reviews.

This fear holds them back from even trying. But here's a word of advice:

If you don't try, you've already failed.

Remember that even successful authors had to face rejection before finding success.

Rejection is not a reflection of your worth as a writer but a stepping stone on the path to growth and eventual recognition. Every "no" brings you closer to the coveted "yes." It's an opportunity to learn, improve, and refine your craft.

Embrace the rejections as battle scars, badges of honor that signifies your bravery to put your words out into the world. Let them fuel your determination, ignite the fire within, and push you to keep honing your skills.

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The Benefits of Writing, Regardless of Success

We stated earlier that success as a novelist is anything but guaranteed...for anyone. So if you are going to get into this as a lifestyle, you're going to need some motivation that goes beyond fame and fortune.

Writing offers numerous benefits beyond just becoming published or famous. It allows for self-expression and creativity while also improving cognitive abilities such as memory retention and critical thinking skills.

Writing can also be therapeutic, helping individuals process their emotions and experiences.

Don't write simply to become famous or wealthy. Write because you have a story to tell or a message to share. Even if you are 20 and don't manage to find success for another 50 years, a deeper sense of meaning and purpose will carry you through because it will be what really matters.

I believe that finding this meaning and purpose is the most important thing in life, let alone in writing. Find out more about that in the post I wrote here.

Writing should be driven by passion and purpose, not by external validation.


The answer to the question, "Is it too late to write a novel and become successful?" is a resounding NO!

Success comes at different times for different people. Some might hit it big in their twenties, while others achieve success in their sixties. Age shouldn't be a barrier to pursuing your writing dreams.

Writers should focus on writing what they love and telling stories that resonate with them instead of chasing trends or trying to please everyone. No matter your age or experience level, if you have a passion for storytelling, go ahead and pursue it wholeheartedly!

There is no deadline for creativity or success. Keep learning, keep growing as a writer—you never know where your words might take you. And as always, keep writing.

About the Author: Tessa Barron, Bear Hill Books

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