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What Techniques Build Suspense in a Thriller? The Ultimate Guide

Updated: Oct 10, 2023

What Techniques Build Suspense in a Thriller? The Ultimate Guide, on The Writer's Cabin

Imagine a book where every turn of the page sends shivers down your spine, and every chapter leaves you gasping for more. Welcome to the exhilarating world of suspense novels, where tension and unpredictability reign supreme.

But what exactly are the secrets that make these stories so compelling? Join us as we unravel the art of crafting spine-tingling suspense in thrillers.

We'll cover:

What Techniques Build Suspense in a Thriller? heading 1

What Techniques Build Suspense in a Thriller Novel?

Short Summary of Today's Article

  • Create tension and suspense in psychological thrillers with intricate plotting, complex characters, relentless need for justice & misdirection.

  • Utilize pacing, foreshadowing & unpredictability to keep readers engaged.

  • Use red herrings, false leads & misleading clues, bold moods and tones that add mystery and surprise!

What Techniques Build Suspense in a Thriller? heading 2

Creating Suspense

Tension and suspense have always captivated the hearts of readers, especially in psychological thrillers, where the stakes are high and the outcome uncertain. But what are the techniques that make these stories truly unforgettable?

From intricate plotting and complex characters to relentless pursuit of justice and misdirection, the recipe for a gripping story lies in the mastery of these elements.

To answer the question: what techniques build suspense in a thriller? It's best to start reading books that do it well, and think critically about how it is those books make you feel the tension of suspense.

Some of the finest examples of thriller that utilizes tension and suspense effectively include Gone Girl, The Da Vinci Code, The Silence of the Lambs, and The Girl on the Train.

These novels not only intensify reader engagement but also leave a lasting impact on their minds, as they remain on the edge of their seat until the very last page.

Elements of Suspense

Tension, conflict, curiosity, uncertainty, and anticipation form the pillars of a gripping Thriller & Suspense novel.

Tension keeps readers on edge.

Conflict fuels a clash of desires and obstacles.

Curiosity lures us deeper to explore hidden depths and ask questions.

Uncertainty challenges our expectations.

Anticipation leaves the reader hopeful and worried all at the same time.

Together, they create an irresistible tapestry that enthralls and captivates, ensuring an unforgettable reading experience.

But that is not all that thriller writers need to be concerned with, though it is a good start. So let's begin addressing the basic building blocks of creating suspense.


In the thriller books, pacing is a crucial tool for creating suspense. It controls the flow of information and the speed of the story, keeping readers engaged and on edge. Authors like Agatha Christie and C.J. Tudor, creator of The Chalk Man, skillfully use techniques such as dramatic cliffhangers, alternating perspectives, and dynamic sentence structure to create intense psychological suspense through strategic pacing.

For instance, The Silent Patient, a debut novel by Alex Michaelides, is a gripping example of a thriller that employs pacing. The novel begins at a steady and consistent pace but then surprises the reader with burst of energy to give it sudden forward momentum.


Foreshadowing is another powerful technique used to build suspense in psychological thrillers. By hinting at future events or possible outcomes, foreshadowing creates a sense of anticipation and dread for the reader.

It's about teasing the reader with subtle hints, planting seeds of anticipation for what is to come. It's the whisper of a shadow, the lingering glance, or the cryptic remark that tugs at our curiosity.

Through carefully crafted foreshadowing, the author sets the stage for impending danger or shocking revelations. We get unshakable sense that something wicked lurks just beyond our field of vision. It's this anticipation of the unknown that propels us forward into the novel as suspense tightens its grip with every turn of the page.

In addition to foreshadowing, unpredictability is a key factor in creating tension and suspense, keeping readers on the edge of their seat, constantly guessing what might happen next.


Unpredictability plays a vital role in creating suspense in psychological thrillers. By employing plot twists, red herrings, false leads, and misleading clues, authors can keep readers guessing and craft a gripping story. Gone Girl is a prime example of a psychological thriller that uses unreliable narrators, clues, and false clues to generate suspense, making it a favorite among thriller fans.

The element of unpredictability is also evident in Into Thin Air, a true story that effectively uses tension and suspense to engage readers. From the outset, the narrative defies our expectations, subverting the conventional notion of a triumphant ascent.

Unforeseen obstacles and unforeseeable dangers lurk at every step, challenging the climbers' endurance and shattering preconceived notions of their what will become of them.

What Techniques Build Suspense in a Thriller? heading 3

Developing Intriguing Characters

Characters are the lifeblood of any story, and in thrillers, they hold the key to with suspense and excitement. Developing intriguing characters is crucial in a thriller, as it adds depth and complexity to the story, allowing readers to become invested.

Motivations, relationships, and inner conflicts propel the story forward and make the characters more engaging as they navigate the twists and turns of their respective journeys.

Iconic characters from popular thrillers include Jack Reacher from Killing Floor, Thursday Next from The Eyre Affair, Jane Rizzoli from the Rizzoli & Isles series, Virgil Wounded Horse from Winter Counts, and Smilla Jaspersen from Smilla’s Sense of Snow.

Suspense thrives on the tension between a character's choices and their internal struggles. They keep us hooked as we navigate the labyrinth of their psyche. Complex characters become the catalysts that ignite the suspense, immersing us in a thrilling journey of uncertainty and revelation.

Flawed Protagonists

Flawed protagonists are essential in bringing depth and complexity to a story, as they make characters more relatable and human. Readers can empathize with the protagonist’s struggles, becoming more invested in their journey.

Their imperfections are what causes much of the tension and conflict. As readers witness their struggles and flaws, they become uncertain about how things might turn out in the end. Will their weaknesses lead to their downfall or serve as the impetus for growth?

Complex Antagonists

Complex antagonists are equally important in thrillers, as they challenge the protagonist and create conflict within the story. A fully-fleshed out villain with a backstory or motivations makes them more interesting and believable, but it also makes them stronger in the reader's eye. This makes them question if the villain can be overcome at all.

Like in Silence of the Lambs, where Hannibal Lector is so intelligent and manipulative that he eventually escapes.

Unreliable Narrators

Unreliable narrators are a powerful tool for creating suspense in psychological thrillers. By introducing a character who is not entirely truthful or accurate, the reader is kept guessing, and the story is filled with unexpected plot twists.

In The Chalk Man, for example, the unreliable narrator is Eddie, who tells the story from his childhood perspective. His inability to remember all the details and his distorted memories add to the suspense, as the reader is never quite sure what is true and what is not.

Anna, the protagonist of The Woman in the Window, is another example of an unreliable narrator, as her agoraphobia and inability to leave her home affect her perception of the events happening around her, adding to suspense and tension in the story.

What Techniques Build Suspense in a Thriller? heading 4

Crafting a Compelling Plot

A compelling plot is the backbone of any thriller, and it’s the intricate weaving of narrative structure, stakes, and twists that keeps readers enthralled. As the story unfolds, the suspense builds, and the reader is left to navigate a labyrinth of clues and misdirection, trying to piece together the puzzle before the final twist is revealed.

The key to creating a successful thriller is to craft a story that is both unpredictable and believable. The plot should be complex enough to keep the reader guessing, but not so convoluted that it becomes confusing. And the stakes should be high enough to keep the reader invested.

High Stakes

High stakes are essential in a thriller, as they drive the plot and engage the reader. Stakes generate suspense, as they delineate what the protagonist may gain or lose as the story’s central conflict plays out.

Stakes should be risen throughout the course of the book, because as they are, readers will increasingly become worried for the protagonist.


Subplots play a vital role in building suspense in thrillers, as they provide additional layers of intrigue and complexity to the main storyline. Subplots add tension to the main plot, as the protagonist is confronted with additional mysteries and challenges that he must overcome in order to solve the central mystery.

By exploring themes and ideas related to the main plot, subplots can also provide additional insight into the story, making it more engaging and captivating for the reader.

Plot Twists

Plot twists and unpredictability go hand in hand. They jolt us from our complacency, upending our expectations and sending the narrative in another direction.

These unexpected turns inject a surge of adrenaline into the story, keeping the reader engaged. By challenging our assumptions and subverting established patterns, plot twists create a dance between anticipation and revelation. They keep us on the edge of our seats, constantly questioning, and ensure that suspense remains a steady companion throughout rather than coming in spurts and starts.

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Utilizing Setting and Atmosphere

Setting and atmosphere play a crucial role in enhancing suspense in thrillers. By creating a haunting and eerie mood, authors can draw readers into the story and evoke certain emotions that heighten the overall mood and tone of the novel.

From the remote lake in Stillhouse Lake to the bustling cityscape of New York City in American Psycho, the settings of these novels create a vivid and immersive atmosphere that contributes to the overall suspense.


Isolation is a powerful tool for creating tension in thrillers, whether it be physical, emotional, or psychological. For example, in The Chalk Man, the protagonist is physically isolated from the rest of the town, which adds to the sense of danger and uncertainty in the story.

Emotional isolation can also create suspense, as seen in the protagonist’s feeling of disconnection from the people around him, which adds to the overall tension in the story.

Time Pressure

Time pressure is another element that can intensify suspense in thrillers. By adding urgency to the protagonist’s goals or objectives, time pressure creates a sense of tension and anxiety in the story.

Will the protagonist meet his goal before the clock runs out?

Mood and Tone

Establishing mood and tone lays the foundation for crafting suspense in writing.

Tone is the author's attitude, conveyed through words and style. Mood is the emotional atmosphere felt by readers. Tone reflects the author's perspective, while mood engulfs readers in a particular emotional backdrop.

The carefully chosen mood sets the atmospheric backdrop, enveloping readers in a palpable sense of unease or anticipation. It evokes emotional responses, heightening our senses and priming us for the impending experiences.

The tone, on the other hand, guides the reader's perception, conveying a sense of urgency, danger, or impending threat. It influences the pacing, language, and narrative choices, molding the reading experience and intensifying the suspense.

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The Art of Misdirection

Misdirection is an important technique used in thrillers to create suspense and keep readers guessing. By employing red herrings, false leads, and misleading clues, authors can craft a gripping story that constantly surprises and intrigues the reader.

Red Herrings

Red herrings are objects or people intentionally placed in a thriller to divert the reader’s attention from the real culprit or solution. They can create false suspects like the do in mystery be added to lead the reader down a false path or distracting them from what’s really going on.

But it is important that the red herrings are subtle and used realistically. The author can't build out the bad guy to be one person only to reveal at the end the real villain who comes out of nowhere and was never developed.

False Leads

False leads are clues that appear to point to a certain conclusion but are ultimately revealed to be false or incomplete. They can be used to create tension and uncertainty in a thriller, as the obstacles to the protagonist, both physical and psychological because they consider them failures or fill them with self-doubt.

Misleading Clues

Misleading clues, like red herrings, are used in thrillers to deceive the reader or viewer about what’s coming. They are clues that lead to the final baddy or solution but are misunderstood or disregarded in the beginning by either the protagonist or the reader.


In conclusion, the art of crafting suspense in thrillers lies in the mastery of various techniques, including pacing, foreshadowing, unpredictability, character development, plot structure, setting, atmosphere, and misdirection.

By working these elements together, authors can create stories that leave readers biting their nails and inching to the edge of their seats. So, the next time you pick up a thriller, pay close attention to these techniques and see if you can unravel the secrets that make these stories so compelling.

More questions about writing thriller & suspense?

Thriller writing can be difficult to say the very least. But I have compiled a list of questions from across the internet and provided straight forward answers to all of them. If you still have questions, you'll find the answer here. Head to my thriller writing Q&A to learn more.

About the Author: Adan Geesi

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